I'm too sexy for my cat, too sexy for my cat……'Cause I'm a model, you know what I mean, And I do my little turn on the catwalk…
fashion show always being told demonstrate clothing and accessories in a catwalk.
One day when one of my female cats came towards me, I noticed that she walked very gracefully, feminine, so neat, yet charming and alluring. Just exactly the same as if a model walk in a catwalk. Of course, the history of cats had taken place for centuries before the fashion show with models and catwalk invented. I think that human adopted the way a cat is walking for models in fashion show. It turns out in this matter humans being the copycat of cats’ behave.
The hypothetical I had made was proven in one of online dictionary. It says that the term may also be derived from a more literal meaning, as models on the catwalk often use a walk which is exactly like that of a cat, placing one foot directly in front of the other to produce an alluring swagger in which the hips take on a more exaggerated movement. In fashion jargon, "what's on the catwalk" or similar phrasing can refer to whatever is new and popular in fashion.