[PRESS RELEASE] June 4th Global Freedom Day: An International Interfaith Prayer Day  


Sylvain Henry, BSc. 
Community Organizer

June 4th Global Freedom Day: An International Interfaith Prayer Day

On June 4th, 2010, thousands of individuals from almost every nation in the world will be praying and fasting for social progress. "We are not trying to set a first Guinness World Record for people to read and forget," says Sylvain Henry, initiator of the spiritual solidarity movement, "we are simply petitioning God directly for immediate action towards what we need."  Many of the participants feel that world leaders are powerless to make the change this world really needs like creating employment that pays "living" wages or preventing war between the resource-hungry western world and resource-rich Muslim nations.

People from all faiths are participating, several atheists are also joining this spiritual movement for social change by focusing on the desired change.  Though most will be praying and fasting from their own homes, the new worldwide group has also organized a Global Google Map that pinpoints the locations where people can meet to pray together (cafes, parks, etc). Prayer requests are also being accepted for consideration.
This is our second event, the first one took place on May 4th, 2010.  At least 4000 people attended the first pray-from-home  event.  For greater effectiveness, four prayers were suggested to participants and results were obtained on two of them (government leaders said they would take action to help citizens get more family physicians, and one municipality was enlightened to stop their plans for fluoridation of public drinking water).

To view the Facebook participants of this movement:

"The image standard for our movement is the Greenheart photo, taken by nature photographer Eri Hariono from Indonesia and donated to our cause.  The photo was taken in a lush Indonesian tea plantation.  The green foliage represents our collective sustainable hope of a better future for our youth.  The heart-shaped tree represents the ultimate love force that unites us."

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